We offer ACH automatic debit to pay your assessment fees.
What is ACH? ACH (automatic clearinghouse) payments are electronic payments that are used to transfer money from one bank to another. In this case, it's used to send money from your bank directly to your HOA's bank for assessment payments.
When will ACH payments be paid from my account? Assessment payments will automatically be debited from your checking or savings account on (or around) the 3rd day of the month that your assessment payments are due. For example, if your assessment payment is due January 1st, it would be debited from your account on January 3rd.
Do I need to adjust the amounts if assessments increase? Payments will automatically be debited from your account for the exact assessment amount that is due. You do not need to adjust the amount if assessment amounts increase from year to year.
What types of fees will ACH pay for? ACH payments will only be debited from your accounts for regular periodic assessments (annual, quarterly, monthly), any special assessments, and any late fees and/or interest (although it is STRONGLY recommended that you begin ACH with a zero balance on your account to avoid any late fees and interest). ACH will not be used for any other fees such as gate remotes, park deposits, violations fines, etc.
Please click the link below to download the authorization form. Please complete the form and return it to our office along with a voided check. The form can be emailed to or dropped off/mailed to our office at 1331 Bedford Dr. Ste 103, Melbourne, FL 32940.
If your property belongs to mutliple HOAs or if you own multiple properties, you must complete a separate form for each property and each HOA. Only one voided check is needed, regardless of how many forms you submit.
ACH authorization must be received by our office by the 20th day of the month in order for the automatic debit to be processed on the 3rd day of the following month. (Example: If you have an assessment due in January, you will need to provide the completed ACH form by December 20th so that your payment is processed on January 3rd.)